primewire Watch Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 Online Free Live Stream

Once told they'd save the universe during a time-traveling adventure, 2 would-be rockers from San Dimas, California find themselves as middle-aged dads still trying to crank out a hit song and fulfill their destiny

Directed by - Dean Parisot

Countries - USA

Chris Matheson

Genre - Sci-Fi


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Watch bill & ted face the music 2020 online free live stream tv.

First of all, it's a Bill & Ted movie, so you're not going to get an Oscar caliber story or performances, but you will get a movie with some laughs and a ton of heart. Which is really what the planet as a whole needs right now, so please try to be excellent to the haters of this erstwhile film.
So the story opens up and you have a recap of the last 25 years of Wyld Stallyns history and it has not been kind with each successive album until they are stuck playing some dingy hotel in San Dimas. Then we fast forward to a wedding, and as a present to Missy who is marrying Ted's brother Deacon this time around, yeah, I'll let you sort out how each person is related to themselves at this point. But they offer a song that is in three parts with an insanely long title, driving home that Bill & Ted have lost their way and with it, Ted's father puts a kabosh on the show and tells Ted all the stuff he's said in previous movies. This is also our first introductions to Billie and Thea, who have the same lost looks as their fathers.
So far, so good, we know Bill and Ted haven't changed that much, and Ted's dad hasn't changed at all and the princesses Elizabeth and Joanna are still in the fold though played by different actresses, I can understand not being able to get Kimberly Kates because she is running a production company, but why not get Diane Franklin to come back as Princess Elizabeth. So now we can begin our adventures.
After leaving their wives at couples therapy, Bill and Ted get home, and Ted starts doubting his musical ability once again, and Bill ever being the optimist tries to buck his old friend up once again before they practice. Enter Kelly, the daughter of Rufus into the equation and she takes them back to future San Dimas, this time no Clarence Clemons (RIP) but they are put in front of a wall of guitars and told they have 79 minutes not to just unite the world but save reality as we know it. So of course Bill & Ted have the most excellent Bill & Ted idea of taking the song from their future selves.
Bill and Ted leaving with Kelly, Billie and Thea see this and think their dads are in trouble. Kelly later returns, the girl's take her ship on a quest to get the greatest back up band ever.
So you have two stories going on at this point, some people don't like the Billie and Thea, but I think that is actually the stronger of the two storylines because their fathers put into them a love of music, so much so they breath the history of music from 11500 BCE to today. They even get Bill & Ted to make up with Death by the time it's all said and done.
While Billie and Thea are out on their quest, Bill & Ted are out meeting their future selves and they find out that their future selves from 2, 5, and 10 years in the future are not excellent, in fact they are most unexcellent.
Eventually everyone gets back to present day San Dimas and then the point is driven home, this is a story about family, it's a story about parents not needing to overshadow their children and if you trust your kids they are going to surprise you.
Throw in Anthony Carrigan as a robot that develops a conscious, hey, I'm in on this movie 1000 percent.
Is it a 10/10? For me, no, but I have an insane bar that movies have to clear for 10/10, but given the source material of the other two movies, Chris Harrison and Ed Solomon stayed true to the DNA of what made the first two movies such great movies in the first place.
So be excellent to each other, order it on PPV or go to a theater if you have one that is showing it and remember to party on dudes.

So glad it was made. We laughed and felt nostalgic. Thank you thank you to everyone who made that happen.

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